10657 Township Highway 122
Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351
Sunday Morning Worship @9:30 A.M.
Jesus is Lord
You are Welcome Here
A Non-Denominational Church
​Community Christian Center
10657 Township Highway 122
Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351
Join Us Sunday Morning Worship @9:30 A.M.
Bill Williamson - Pastor
We Are Here to Help
Office: 419-294-5151
You are Welcome Here
A Non-Denominational Church
"Looking unto Jesus, the author
and finisher of our faith"​​​
We hope you will feel welcomed when you visit us at Community Christian Center.
We are a friendly relaxed church with contemporary Praise and Worship.
Everyone is welcome to participate in our service. You will hear a relevant message that could change your life.
We have a Nursery for infants until 2 year olds and Sunday School Classes from 2 though High school.

Statement of Purpose
We are a family of believers who love to worship our God and be in His presence.
We believe that the Bible is His inerrant Word and that it is to be followed in our daily lives.
We believe that World Missions are an important part of the local church, and we want to obey the Lord's Great Commission.
Our desire is that all be saved and that as they are, one by one, they should become an active part of the kingdom building process.
The fruit of the Spirit must be seen in our lives if others are to be attracted to the Lord and our church body.
We encourage and allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate within the body that the Lord may minister to others through us for His glory.
Basic Beliefs
Community Christian Center is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals, with the basic doctrine of a fundamental charismatic faith church.
We believe in one God in three dimensions - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe the Bible is the literal inspired Word of God and the final source of authority for men.
We practice baptism by immersion.
We have child dedications.
We practice the laying on of hands for dedication, ordination and healing.
We encourage being planted through local church membership.