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Statement of Faith

Because it is recognized that it is important to openly state what we stand for in order that we may stand together, the following are stated.  Also, no Biblical truth has any reason for being unless it is to "exalt Jesus". These are some of the landmarks of our faith while Jesus will yet reveal more of Himself to us in the Word.  (Matthew 13:52 NIV)  We have joined the National Association of Evangelicals and these statements are in harmony with their beliefs.

1.  We believe the Bible to be the inspired​, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. The Bible is a revelation from God to man and is the infallible rule of faith and conduct, and is superior to conscience and reason.      2 Timothy 3:15-17 (NIV)

2. We believe there is only one God manifest in three ways. Our Father who so loved us that He gave His only Son Jesus to die for us and to resurrect to life again as a blood sacrifice and Who in turn asked the Father who has and continues to pour out the precious Holy Spirit in these days on whosoever will ask. We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.

3. We believe in salvation by the blood of Jesus. Man fell by disobedience to God and was redeemed by Jesus who has imparted of the right standing (righteousness) of God to us as mankind when we believe and are regenerated by the Holy Spirit; born again.

4. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (heaven and hell). We live in expectation of Jesus' soon return bodily to this earth for His own.

5. We believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the authority of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for those who are believers who have repented.

6. We believe in regularly sharing communion of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus; thereby showing His death and resurrection openly.

7. We believe in the dedication of children unto Jesus.

8. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. We recognize that many fine Christians do not speak in tongues, but our belief is that all Christians could pray in tongues. But it is not essential for salvation.

9. We believe in the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I Cor. 12, Rom. 12

10. We believe in the laying on of hands for healing, blessing, ordination, and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

11. We believe that holiness to God and the character of God are produced through the work of the Word and the Holy Spirit.


12.We believe in the Church, both local and universal. ​We are part of the body and bride of the Lord Jesus Christ in the earth today. We practice open fellowship and open communion with any other Christian whether he is part of Community Christian Center or not. The "body" is to manifest Jesus to the world today. The "bride" is to love Jesus always. We believe it is important to be a part of a local church.

13. We believe that Jesus has provided healing through the stripes of the atonement and that He still heals physical bodies today.

14. We believe in loving the Lord through worship. Worship in the Spirit includes singing in the Spirit but it has many other forms. The free worship and praise of David's tabernacle in the Old Testament is typical of worship today and in heaven.

15.​We believe that Jesus is continually at work today in His church (not just Community Christian Center) revealing Himself more fully by His very glory. We believe the last days will be climactic with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as well as many negative signs.  II Corinthians 3:18, Acts 2, Matthew 24

16. We believe the time for spiritual harvest of souls into God's kingdom is now; the great commission is now; it is time to gather everyone unto Jesus that is willing. Everyone gets to be involved.

17. We believe the kingdom of God is going to be more and more fully revealed until the great climax of Jesus' returning.

18. We believe in the three basics of Christianity-faith, hope, and love (ICorinthians 13:13). As Christians we are to be people of faith and love as well as a people of hope.

19. We believe that marriage is a creation of God, not men.  He established it, the union of one man and one woman, to be a life-long covenant and to serve as the foundation of healthy families and societies. Sexual involvement with any person outside of the context of marriage is prohibited by God in the Scripture.  Genesis 2:21-24; Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 18;

Proverbs 5:18-19; Romans 1:18-27; Hebrews 13:4

20. We are committed to protecting and enhancing the quality of life of all persons from conception to natural death.

Exodus 20:13; Psalm 39:13-16; Proverbs 31:8; Luke 1:41-44

Our Worship Service includes worshiping the Lord with singing & Pastor’s sermon

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